E gondokra megoldás a FireVu integrált videó füst- és lángérzékelő rendszer. A rendszer része a videoelemző szoftver, amely az éjjel-nappali IP dómkamerák által rögzített képeket vizsgálja, és ha tüzet vagy füstöt észlel, riasztást ad ki. A kameraképeket távolról is meg lehet nézni, így riasztás esetén azonnal ellenőrizhető, hogy mi és hol történt. Ennek megfelelően gyors és arányos lehet a reagálás, meggyorsítva és megkönnyítve a tűzoltók munkáját.
A rendszerre legfeljebb 240 dómkamera kapcsolható, egyenként hét napnyi anyag tárolható (32GB USD). Ezzel nem csak az esemény, hanem az előzményei is visszanézhetők. A rendszer kezelését nagyfelbontású kijelző segíti, amelyen a kameraképek mellett a riasztás helyét mutató térkép is megjelenik, lehetővé téve a gyors, pontos és arányos választ vészhelyzet esetén.
Forrás: AD Network Video
IFSEC 2012 Award Integrated Security Product of the Year: AD Network Video – FireVu Solution
To provide some background to the issue for commercial property owners − 95% of fire alarms automatically generated from systems owned by UK businesses, turn out to be false – 337,300 in 2010-11. Commercial premises, at night or weekends, run the risk that their Fire Authority will not respond unless they have confirmed visual verification that there is a fire. This can lead to an increased chance of smoke and fire damage due to the potential delay incurred while someone verifies the alarm and resulting greater interruption to business continuity. It has been reported that 80% of business which suffer a fire never actually recover and fold as a result. Fire Authorities are also threatening fines for repeated false alarms under the new powers they gain through the new Localism Act and as a result of government spending cuts.
FireVu Domes solve the problems business owners face and help to save public funds by combining integrated video smoke and flame detection video analytics in a day/night IP camera together with on-board recording. This provides alerts to the presence of smoke and flame anywhere within the field of view. Visual verification of the source of the smoke or flame can therefore be confirmed much earlier than conventional detectors either by the business owner directly, using a hand held device, remote viewer, graphical display annunciator or remotely by a control room operator. This means that a rapid and proportionate response can be actioned for the building/business owner, and the responders enabled to receive enhanced situational awareness of what to expect when they arrive.
The FireVu IP Solution is a complete video smoke and flame detection system. It offers distributed management and reporting of up to 240 FireVu Dome detectors each with 7 day recording (32GB uSD) offering a fail-safe distributed storage solution providing review of security incidents and any fire alarms, showing not only the event but what preceded it.
The FV1 Annunciator uniquely brings all of this information into one place providing a High Definition display showing the status of each connected FireVu Dome (normal, pre-alarm, Smoke alarm, Flame alarm, Fault), and a site map with camera locations and a list of notifications. Should an alarm occur the camera image is automatically displayed along with indication on the map of the location of the alarm allowing rapid, accurate and proportional response to an emergency.
The FireVu Solution can provide even large campus sites with a fully integrated Fire Alarm system reporting back to a Central Station or a Remote Video Response Centre (RVRC).